It’s a celebration!

Join us in-person for our Good Friday Celebration.  We will be sharing the 7 Sayings of Jesus on the Cross.  It will be a time of reflection for the entire family. Share with a friend!

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Calling all Men!

REGISTER HERE to join Bishop Joshua for a time of mentorship IN PERSON. This is open to all men ages 13 and up. Registration is required.

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Spread the word!

Do you know someone who needs to be encouraged, needs healing or a miracle? This special service is a great opportunity to invite your family and friends! Help us spread the word by sharing this event!

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Active in Prayer!

This is a great opportunity to gather the entire family and accompany us this night IN PERSON! We will be sharing in Holy Communion. We encourage you to continue to build your prayer habit, committing to spend time with God and cause change around you. Join us and share with...

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Calling all Women!

REGISTER HERE to join Pastor Paula for a time of mentorship IN PERSON. This is open to all women ages 13 and up. Registration is required.

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New Cycle Registration

This is a very good season to learn and grow spiritually. Register HERE if you have not yet taken these online discipleship & membership classes, or if you need to review them again. We are accepting registrations for 101, 201 & 301.

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Attention Volunteers!

We invite all leadership and Ministry Volunteers for a time of training at the Cityline Church (IN PERSON). We are looking forward to seeing everyone there!

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Guest Speaker – Pastor Enrique Ruloff

Enrique Luis Ruloff is the director of the Fundación Filantrópica Didaque (a philanthropic foundation) that provides legal support to various ministries. In addition, he is the director of Kingdom College, an educational program for the formation of leaders at a national and international level.  He completed his Bachelor’s degree in...

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Youth Event

The youth ministry will be having a Laser Tag night on Friday, March 18th from 7:00pm-8:30pm for middle school group and 8:30pm-10:00pm for high school group. Location will be at the Bullseye Lasertag at Edison, NJ. Cost is $30 per student. Parent drop off and pick up is required. Please...

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