Kids Discipleship End of Year Celebration

Next TUESDAY, JUNE 20th we will be having a Kids Discipleship end of year celebration. Donations from parents needed: Homemade baked goods, chips, juices, fruit or fruit cups/fruit snacks. Please sign up at the Information Center.

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Guest Speaker – Pastor Enrique Ruloff

Enrique Luis Ruloff is the director of the Fundación Filantrópica Didaque (a philanthropic foundation) that provides legal support to various ministries. In addition, he is the director of Kingdom College, an educational program for the formation of leaders at a national and international level.  He completed his Bachelor’s degree in...

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Women’s Conference 2017 – SAVE THE DATE

Women of Action will be hosting their next women’s conference on FRIDAY, JUNE 2nd through SUNDAY, JUNE 4th. Guest Speakers: Bishop Beatrice Redmond and Pastor Aileen Torres This is a tremendous investment for all women ages 13 and over! Register HERE.

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Guest Speaker – Dave Ruiz

Dave was born and raised the first years of his life in Brooklyn, New York surrounded by the violence of the gang culture. As a teen his family moved to Los Angeles where by the providence of God, Dave was born again and transformed by the love of Jesus. A...

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