Back to School Prayer Night

We will be praying for all educators and students returning to school. Come to receive the blessing of being covered in prayer for the entire school year. You cannot miss it!

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Monthly Prayer Vigil – SEPTEMBER 2018

On FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7th we meet at 10:00pm until midnight for our Monthly Prayer Vigil for the entire family. We encourage you to continue to build your prayer habit, committing to spend time with God and cause change around you. On Tuesdays, we meet in the mornings at 10:00am until...

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Get to Know Your Pastors & Elders

Join us on SUNDAY, AUGUST 26th after every service. This event is open to anyone who has been attending CLC for less than 3 years, not connected to ministry and has not had the opportunity to meet our Pastors and Elders.

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E.P.I.C. – Movie at the Beach

The Single Adults gathering on FRIDAY, AUGUST 10th at 7:00PM will be held at the Ocean Grove beach. We will have fun while we watch family movie “Ferdinand”. This event is FREE.  All single adults ages 27 through 39 (with or without children) are invited. Single parents are welcome to...

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Monthly Prayer Vigil – AUGUST 2018

On FRIDAY, AUGUST 3rd we meet at 10:00pm until midnight for our Monthly Prayer Vigil for the entire family. We encourage you to continue to build your prayer habit, committing to spend time with God and cause change around you.  On Tuesdays, we meet in the mornings at 10:00am until...

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E.P.I.C. – Prayer Answered, Now What?

Single Adults gathering on FRIDAY, JULY 13th at 8:00PM in the CLC Multipurpose Room. We will share on a topic titled “Prayer Answered, Now What? – Understanding what is expected of us when God answers our prayers and the prayers of others.”  All single adults ages 27 through 39 (with...

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Monthly Prayer Vigil – JULY 2018

On FRIDAY, JULY 6th we meet at 10:00pm until midnight for our Monthly Prayer Vigil for the entire family. We encourage you to continue to build your prayer habit, committing to spend time with God and cause change around you.  On Tuesdays, we meet in the mornings at 10:00am until...

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Men’s Conference 2018

We will be hosting our next men’s conference on FRIDAY, JUNE 29th through SUNDAY, JULY 1st. This is a tremendous investment for all men ages 13 and over! Register HERE. Conference Speakers: Pastor Joel Lopez, Pastor Jordan Durso, Pastor Joshua Rodriguez and Dr. Joel Nuñez Reserve your seat today!

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