Monthly Prayer Vigil – NOVEMBER 2018

On FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2nd we meet at 10:00pm until midnight for our Monthly Prayer Vigil for the entire family. We encourage you to continue to build your prayer habit, committing to spend time with God and cause change around you. On Tuesdays, we meet in the mornings at 10:00am until...

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Kid’s Discipleship Harvest Celebration

The Kid’s Discipleship Ministry will be celebrating their Harvest Celebration on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 30th at 7:30pm.  This year’s theme will be “The God of Generations!”  Kids can dress up as a person from a previous generation that has been a positive influence or an inspiration in their life. This can...

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Pastor’s Appreciation

On TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23rd at 7:30pm and SUNDAY, OCTOBER 28th we will be celebrating our Pastors and family for 27 Years of Ministry. Each special service will be unique, and that’s why we invite you to join us in each one! We begin on Tuesday at 7:30pm, culminating on Sunday...

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Youth Conference 2018 – “Arise: Restoring Purpose & Identity”

We will be hosting our next youth conference on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12th through SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14th. This is a tremendous investment for all young people in the 6th Grade through Age 26! Register HERE. Let’s support our Youth! SCHEDULE: Friday 12th – 7:30pm – Bilingual (EVERYONE INVITED; simultaneous translation) Saturday...

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Monthly Prayer Vigil – OCTOBER 2018

On FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5th we meet at 10:00pm until midnight for our Monthly Prayer Vigil for the entire family. We encourage you to continue to build your prayer habit, committing to spend time with God and cause change around you. On Tuesdays, we meet in the mornings at 10:00am until...

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E.P.I.C. Fellowship Brunch – CHANGE

In consideration to those that may have plans to attend the wake/viewing in Brooklyn, NY, we have decided to stay closer and move today’s EPIC gathering to Bayonne, NJ. Please see details below: The Single Adults gathering on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22nd at 11:00AM will be held at Broadway Diner located...

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E.P.I.C. – Outing at the Beach – CANCELLED

The Single Adults gathering on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22nd at 11:30AM will be held at the Ocean Grove in front of the Chapel on the beach (weather permitting). We will meet to discuss “What are you waiting for? Go!”  Fellowship will follow.  Bring a chair or a blanket. All single adults...

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Career Opportunity in Construction

NJ Build and NJ Reentry Cooperation are offering a FREE 13 week training program for a career in construction.  Join us on SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 23rd from 10:30am to 2:00pm at the entrance of The Cityline Church for more information.

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Kid’s Discipleship Registration 2018-2019

Our Kid’s Discipleship Program is registering kids for the 2018-2019 discipleship year. Our Tuesday night kid’s discipleship program is for children in grades PK-4 through 7th grade (ages 4-12). The cost for the student guide is $20.00 per child and t-shirts will be available for an additional cost. Registration begins today until Tuesday, September 11th and is...

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