E.P.I.C. – Praying for a Living

Single Adults gathering on FRIDAY, JANUARY 18th at 8:00PM in the CLC Multipurpose Room. We will share on a topic titled “Praying for a Living”.  All single adults ages 27 through 39 (with or without children) are invited. Spread the word!

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Book Signing – Hilario Nunez Jr

We are excited to announce that our very own Author Elder Larry Nuñez, will be having a book signing this SUNDAY, JANUARY 20th immediately after the 8:00am and 11:00am service featuring his new book, “Hope: An Anchor for our Souls”. Limited copies will be available that day for only $10.00.

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Discipleship/Membership Classes

New classes begin on WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 9th. We are accepting registrations for 101, 201 & 301.Online classes are also available.  Register HERE or at the Information Center after any of our services.

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Prayer Conference 2019

Join us from FRIDAY, JANUARY 4th through SUNDAY, JANUARY 6th.  REGISTER HERE. Each day will consist of prayer, worship and powerful teachings on prayer!

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Please mark your calendar with these important dates when there will be NO PRAYER SERVICE: TUESDAY, DECEMBER 25th and TUESDAY, JANUARY 1st.

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Get to Know Your Pastors & Elders

Join us on SUNDAY, DECEMBER 30th after every service. This event is open to anyone who has been attending CLC for less than 3 years, not connected to ministry and has not had the opportunity to meet our Pastors and Elders.

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