Christmas Concert

You and your family are invited to a Christmas Concert with Concert Pianist Adlan Cruz, accompanied by a live band, on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17th at 7:30pm. Come enjoy a great time with your family! Admission is FREE. We look forward to seeing you!

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LIONS DEN: Family Movie Night

The Lions Den invites the ENTIRE CLC FAMILY to a family Movie night just in time for the holidays on FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6th at 7:30pm – doors open @ 7:00pm! Come cozy with the whole family to enjoy this holiday film, “The Star – The story of the first Christmas.”  Hot...

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Agustín & Mamén

Also joining us on THIS Tuesday November 26th at 7:30pm, all the way from Spain, are worshipers Agustin and Mamen! Bring a friend!

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Thanksgiving Service

On TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26th at 7:30pm we will be celebrating with a special Thanksgiving Service. Please join us as we partake in Holy Communion and share our gratitude with the Lord for all He has done. We encourage you to celebrate with us and bring a friend!

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Men’s Conference 2019

We will be hosting our next men’s conference on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22nd through SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 24th. This is a tremendous investment for all men ages 13 and over! Register HERE.Conference Speakers: Bishop Dr. Joshua Rodriguez, Dr. Bob Nichols and Pastor Rafael Castillo.Reserve your seat today!

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Thanksgiving Leadership & Ministry Volunteer Gathering

On WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13th from 7:00pm-9:30pm at The Cityline Church, we invite all leadership and Ministry Volunteers for a time of fellowship, vision casting and training. Please note that due to space limitations this event will only be open to ministry volunteers/participants. Childcare will be provided if needed, please call the office to reserve.We...

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The Single Adults Ministry will be hosting a Friendsgiving Brunch on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16th.  Single Adults between the ages of 27 – 45, with or without kids are invited.  To attend this event, please sign up at the Information Center after the service.  For updates on EPIC outings, please follow...

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