Monthly Prayer Vigil – JUNE 2020

THIS FRIDAY, JUNE 5th at 10:00pm until midnight we will meet via LIVESTREAM for our Monthly Prayer Vigil for the entire family. We encourage you to continue to build your prayer habit, committing to spend time with God and cause change around you. Join us and share with a friend!

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They continue to meet every other week in individual households. Lesson 5 begins THIS Sunday, May 17th until Saturday, May 23rd. If you would like to begin your small group with your family, send an email to [email protected]! Do not miss out on this amazing material titled, “FAITH”.

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Small Groups – Starting Sunday 3.22.2020

Please note that all Small Groups are being modified during this emergency season until further notice, and will be limited to individual households living together of no more than 10 people including children. Small Groups officially begin this Sunday, March 22. This season our small group material is titled “Faith”...

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Monthly Prayer Vigil – MAY 2020

THIS FRIDAY, MAY 1st at 10:00pm until midnight we will meet via LIVESTREAM for our Monthly Prayer Vigil for the entire family. We encourage you to continue to build your prayer habit, committing to spend time with God and cause change around you. Join us and share with a friend!

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Good Friday Celebration

Join us via LIVESTREAM on FRIDAY, APRIL 10th at 7:30pm for our Good Friday Celebration.  We will be sharing the 7 Sayings of Jesus on the Cross.  It will be a time of reflection for the entire family. Share with a friend!

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