Join on Palm Sunday!

12 Verse Challenge will be hosting a virtual event via ZOOM and Facebook on Palm Sunday, March 28th at 5:00pm as NY area churches pray together for the translation of the Bible into every language.

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New Cycle Registration

This is a very good season to learn and grow spiritually. Register HERE if you have not yet taken these online discipleship & membership classes, or if you need to review them again. We are accepting registrations for 101, 201 & 301.

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Women of Action

REGISTER HERE to accompany Pastor Paula Rodriguez LIVE VIA ZOOM on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24th at 7:00pm in Spanish and 8:00pm in English. This is open to all women ages 13 and over. This is a great opportunity to join a group of women for intercession and learn about the Word...

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Men of Honor

REGISTER HERE to accompany Bishop Joshua Rodriguez via ZOOM on THURSDAY, MARCH 25th from 7:00pm in Spanish and 8:00pm in English. This is open to all men ages 13 and over. Bless other men in your life by sharing this event with them!

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Single Adults!

EPIC Single Adults will continue their new small group series titled “Dateable” on Friday, March 26th @ 8pm via Zoom. Whether you’re currently dating/courting or just hope to in the future, this series will provide a closer look at what the Bible says about our relationships, the best way to...

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Get Connected TODAY!

REGISTER HERE to participate in the next Small Groups event. We are re-structing our small groups to once a month (English and Spanish separately). Join Dr. Joel and Deyanira Nuñez as they share on learning how to manage remote learning with your children and working from home.

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Attention Volunteers!

All ministry volunteers are invited for training. If you are serving in ministry and have not received an email with the zoom link, please email us at [email protected] or call the office. We are looking forward to seeing everyone there!

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Single’s Outing

EPIC Singled Adults ages 27 to 45, and Lions Den College & Career group are going on an exciting snow adventure to Mountain Creek in Vernon, NJ on Saturday, March 13th at 11am. You can register for this event & learn more about how to purchase your lift ticket to...

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