Attention youth!

Calling all Lion’s Den and YARD members! Sign up at the Information Center after any of our services. IMPORTANT: Participants should arrive at 6:30 pm. Travel is not provided.  

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Active in Prayer!

This is a great opportunity to gather the entire family and accompany us this night IN PERSON! We will be sharing in Holy Communion. We encourage you to continue to build your prayer habit, committing to spend time with God and cause change around you. Join us and share with...

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Everyone is invited!

Join the Lion’s Den Youth Ministry for an evening of worship, prayer, and reflection on Friday, Feb 24th at 7:30pm. This event is open to the whole church.

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Single Adults!

EPIC would like to invite all Single Adults ages 30 and over (with or without children) & THE YARD (college and career young adults aged 18 to 29) to Camelback Mountain Resort in Tannersville Pennsylvania (Poconos area) on Saturday, February 11th at 11am for a fun day of skiing/snow tubing...

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Young Adults!

Calling all Young Adults ages 18-29! Please come and join us on this Sunday, February 5th at the CLC annex (across the street) for a time of refreshments, coffee, and a continuation of the small group series titled: Back to Basics! Let’s explore God’s word and engage in conversations that...

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