Calling all kids!

CLC KIDS MINISTRY invites all kids to a “Glow in the Dark Celebration” on Tuesday June 27th @ 7:30PM. This is a celebration thanking God for bringing us to the end of the school year and beginning of summer. It will be a night of worship, dance, games, story and pizza!...

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Calling all graduates!

On Sunday, June 25th, during both services we will be celebrating all our graduates! This includes all levels of academia, trades schools, vocational schools.

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Attention Ladies!

REGISTER HERE for the retreat hosted by the Women of Action in 2023 next summer. This is a tremendous investment for all women ages 13 and over!  Reserve your spot today! FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS

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It’s a celebration!

Water Baptisms will be held on Tuesday, June 13th. If you are interested, please register at the Information Center via Church Center, or call the office at 201-332-0970. 

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New Cycle Registration

This is a very good season to learn and grow spiritually. Register HERE if you have not yet taken these online discipleship & membership classes, or if you need to review them again. We are accepting registrations for 101, 201 & 301.

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Active in Prayer!

This is a great opportunity to gather the entire family and accompany us this night IN PERSON! We will be sharing in Holy Communion. We encourage you to continue to build your prayer habit, committing to spend time with God and cause change around you. Join us and share with a friend!

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Attention Single Adults!

REGISTER HERE for this year’s Singles Conference:  EPIC would like to invite all Single Adults to our Singles Conference titled “A.C.T. – ARISE, COMMIT, TRANSFORM” on Saturday, May 20th, from 9:00am to 1:00pm at the Cityline Church. Doors will open at 8:30am for a light breakfast and registration.  We are...

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