Guest Speaker – Dave Ruiz

Dave was born and raised the first years of his life in Brooklyn, New York surrounded by the violence of the gang culture. As a teen his family moved to Los Angeles where by the providence of God, Dave was born again and transformed by the love of Jesus. A...

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Discipleship/Membership Classes

New classes begin on WEDNESDAY, MAY 3rd.   We are accepting registrations for 101, 201 & 301. Online classes are also available.  Register HERE or at the Information Center after any of our services.

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Monthly Prayer Vigil

On FRIDAY, MAY 5th we meet at 10:00pm until midnight for our Monthly Prayer Vigil for the entire family. We encourage you to continue to build your prayer habit, committing to spend time with God and cause change around you.  On Tuesdays, we meet in the mornings at 10:00am until...

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Single Adults – GAME NIGHT

This Friday, APRIL 21st at 7:30 pm, Single Adults will be hosting a Game Night at the Fellowship Hall (Café). Ages 27-39 with or without kids are invited. Childcare will be provided, please stop by the Information Center to reserve a spot.

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Good Friday Celebration

Join us on FRIDAY, APRIL 14th at 7:30pm for our Good Friday Celebration.  We will be sharing the 7 Sayings of Jesus on the Cross.  It will be a time of reflection for the entire family.

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