Friday Prayer Vigil & Tuesday Prayer

On FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1st we meet at 10:00pm until midnight for our Monthly Prayer Vigil for the entire family. We encourage you to continue to build your prayer habit, committing to spend time with God and cause change around you.  On Tuesdays, we meet in the mornings at 10:00am until...

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The Lion’s Den

All 6th Graders are now welcome to begin their journey in The Lion’s Den youth ministry beginning this FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1st. Doors open at 7:30pm.

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Kid’s Discipleship

Our Kid’s Discipleship Program is registering kids for the 2017-18 discipleship year. Our Tuesday night kid’s discipleship program is for children in grades PK-4 through 7th grade (ages 4-12). The cost for the student guide is $20.00 per child and t-shirts will be available for an additional cost. Registration begins today until Sunday, September 3rd. Please visit...

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Discipleship/Membership Classes

New classes begin on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6th.   We are accepting registrations for 101, 201 & 301. Online classes are also available.  Register HERE or at the Information Center after any of our services.

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Get to Know Your Pastors & Elders

Join us on SUNDAY, AUGUST 20TH after every service. This event is open to anyone who has been attending CLC for less than 3 years, not connected to ministry and has not had the opportunity to meet our Pastors and Elders.

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Monthly Prayer Vigil

On FRIDAY, AUGUST 4th we meet at 10:00pm until midnight for our Monthly Prayer Vigil for the entire family. We encourage you to continue to build your prayer habit, committing to spend time with God and cause change around you.  On Tuesdays, we meet in the mornings at 10:00am until...

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Summer Dress Down Sundays

Summer Dress Down begins Sunday, July 2nd through Labor Day weekend, September 3rd.  Dress Attire will be Casual – Casual would include nice jeans (No holes or tears) and polo shirts (No shorts. No jackets required).

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Arizona Missions Fundraiser

The Arizona Missions Team will be sponsoring a FlapJack Breakfast at Applebee’s in Jersey City on SATURDAY, JULY 22nd from 8am – 10am. The cost per ticket is $10.00 per person. This will be a great opportunity for everyone to Meet and Greet our Missionaries to Arizona. We are looking...

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POSTPONED – SINGLE ADULTS Outing – Ocean Grove Beach

Due to the inclement weather, the outing has been POSTPONED to a future date to be announced. Please help us spread the word! The next Single Adults Outing will take place on Friday, July 14th, at 7:30pm, and it’s going to be a family friendly free movie night at Ocean...

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Monthly Prayer Vigil

On FRIDAY, JULY 7th we meet at 10:00pm until midnight for our Monthly Prayer Vigil for the entire family. We encourage you to continue to build your prayer habit, committing to spend time with God and cause change around you.  On Tuesdays, we meet in the mornings at 10:00am until...

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