Get Connected TODAY!

REGISTER HERE to participate in the next Small Groups event. We are re-structing our small groups to once a month (English and Spanish separately). Join Bishop Joshua and Pastor Paula Rodriguez in a workshop focused on raising children. Please share this event with others who can benefit from this event!

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Single Adults!

REGISTER HERE to join the EPIC Single Adults Ministry for some outdoor fun on Saturday, May 15th at 11:00am.  They will be meeting at Central Park in NYC for a day of biking, picnicking and games.  This event is open to all singles ages 27 to 45 with or without...

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Attention Volunteers!

All ministry volunteers are invited for training. If you are serving in ministry and have not received an email with the zoom link, please email us at [email protected] or call the office. We are looking forward to seeing everyone there!

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Active in Prayer!

This is a great opportunity to gather the entire family! We encourage you to continue to build your prayer habit, committing to spend time with God and cause change around you. Join us and share with a friend!

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Young Students!

REGISTER HERE young students ages 12 to 26 years old, you are invited for a movie night IN PERSON from 8:00pm-9:30pm at the auditorium! The movie title will be shared via social media this week. COVID guidelines will be in place.

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Young Students!

Lion’s Den Youth Ministry is hosting a conversation on Music and Culture this Friday, April 23rd at 8:00pm via ZOOM for students ages 12-26. How do we navigate the impact of music and culture as Christians? In what ways do Music and culture influence my Christian walk? Join them, for a...

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Single Adults!

EPIC Single Adults will continue their new small group series titled “Dateable” on Friday, April 23rd @ 8pm via Zoom. Whether you’re currently dating/courting or just hope to in the future, this series will provide a closer look at what the Bible says about our relationships, the best way to...

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Women of Action

REGISTER HERE to accompany Pastor Paula Rodriguez LIVE VIA ZOOM on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21st at 9:00pm for a time of prayer. This is open to all women ages 13 and over. This is a great opportunity to join a group of women for intercession!

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